How to use this page + credits Congratulations with accessing this site! The scientists at our laboratories have done their utmost best to bring you a set of reliable pages that will give you a lifetime of pleasure and satisfaction. Be sure to read this manual in case you ever experience problems with our product.

Lay-out of the product At the top of the site there's a title, below which, between two yellow lines, are the menu and the id-photo. Below the menu there's text which changes according to the user's wishes. The width of the site is fixed; if the browser window is larger than this width, a blank area is visible at the right-hand side. This area doesn't contain any text, but only a few non-essential buttons.

The right-hand side buttons are, from top to bottom:

  • Nedstat Rating. Click here to fill in a short form to give your opinion about this site. Please do!
  • eXTReMe counter. Click to see how much visitors there have been to this site, according to eXTReMe. This counter is not accurate. It does also provide a list of sites which link to this site.
  • NedStat counter. Click to see how much visitors there have been to this site, according to NedStat. This counter is accurate when tested against the actual logs of the webserver.
  • Home button. Click to go to the site owner's homepage and see which other stars he has pages about.
  • Outside button. Click to be presented with a list of links that may be of interest to you.
  • Help button. You have clicked this to access this manual.

    Access update information When the product is first accessed, it presents a list of recent changes in the text area. This list can be accessed again by clicking on the yellow title at the top of the page.

    Access news Click Information and news in the menu. The news will now appear in the text area.

    Access information Personal information is not available yet in this version of the product.

    Access film, tv, stage, etc information Career information is not available yet in this version of the product.

    Access other sites Click Other sites in the menu. Links to other sites will now appear in the text area, including descriptions of the sites.

    Access webrings Click Other sites in the menu, then follow the webrings link in the text area. Several relevant webrings will now appear in the text area.

    Access mailing list Click Mailing list in the menu. Information about the mailing list 'jennifer-lien-news' will now appear in the text area, as well as instructions for joining the list and a publicly available archive.

    Access Kes information Click Kes que c'est? in the menu. The Kes que c'est? section will appear in the text area. Follow the appropriate links in the text area to access the required information.

    Access photo album Click the id-photo next to the menu. The photo album will now appear in the text area. Click on a photo shown to load the fully sized version of the photo. When loading the second photo it may not always visually appear on the screen: the window is hidden behind the browser window. In that case you have to bring it in front of the browser window to see the photo. Go to the other pages in the photo album using the links at the bottom.

    Navigation When using one section of the product, the buttons to access the other sections remain active. Most parts of the site are not more than one link deep in a section, which means that they can always be accessed with at most two mouse clicks. This website product is also compatible with the use of the back option of the browser.

    Troubleshooting If you experience any problems, please go through this check list:

  • Nothing visible? Make sure the computer and monitor are turned on.
  • Site won't load? Make sure the computer is connected to the internet using the proper cables.
  • Screen shows Tom and Jerry cartoons instead? You are watching your television. Please turn to your computer monitor.

    Technical specifications This site is built using the most flexible and accurate site building tool available: Wordpad. It is tested with and designed for the Netscape 4.5 browser, but is occasionally tested with IE4 as well. The browser window needs to be at least 608 pixels wide, but preferably more than 700 pixels. The window needs to be more than 260 pixels high to see the text area; any extra height is used to show more of the text area. The font used in the menu is Bimini (20pt), the text area uses Arial (11pt). The display should be set to 16 bit per pixel or higher for the best results. This product uses JavaScript.

    Credits The lay-out, programming and text of this site are done by Gidi Kroon. The information is provided by the mailing list members and vistors to this site, or found at other internet or conventional resources. Opinions and project descriptions are by Gidi Kroon, as much as possible based on actually viewing the project.

    I'd like to thank everybody who has helped provide information, not least of all the owners of other Jennifer Lien fansites of past and present. I'd especially like to thank Jennifer for being the exceptionally talented actress she is, and for being gorgeous so I noticed.

    Complaints? Updates necessary? Whatever? E-mail me: Gidi Kroon.